Thursday, June 30, 2011

So where do we go

Mediation over custody is something of farce I think when the other person is set on manipulating it to their advantage.

I went in with a very clear picture and idea at the outset of what I wanted to get out of the mediation process. Very up front as usual that the finances mean nothing to me, the kidlettes are the biggest priority. I will admit I didn't have much of an idea of how things were supposed to proceed, but I think the individual we met with did a good job explaining and was honestly first and foremost looking out for the best interests of any kids that are involved in the situations he deals with.

When your the first words out of your former significant other are, "If can't agree on custody of the kids isn't this all a waste of time and shouldn't we go straight to court?", you know things are going to be... interesting. Isn't mediation about finding common ground and a situation you both can live while still providing a strong and stable environment for the kids?

I came out of the preliminary meeting with the mediator feeling quite good and ex even agreed he was a very good. Funnily I knew that my former spouse would find some reason not to use somebody obviously at the top of the class and who it seemed to see through her facade. There were several points that he stopped her and prefaced what he was about to say with, "I'm going to be blunt...".

The impression ex tried to get across to mediator, that I don't think he bought, is that everyone around her is broken, but her.

So now ex is researching to find other mediators under the guise of saving money. My thought is lets spend a little more on a good mediator who will definitely get the job done, instead of cheaping out on a hack and then having to go to court with lawyers as well.

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