Thursday, July 14, 2011

same as yesterday/yesteryear and some pluses.

So it looks like vacation will be non-existent again this year... such is life I guess. It just seems like the stuff you're looking forward to seems to get tainted in someway even if they aren't outright done away with.

So you're not able to do something, not unusual, but I just wish that we didn't have something to get our hopes up before having it pulled out from under you.

So the pluses of life because so much of this seems to focus on the negatives...

  • my kids

  • a job (not the worst out there, definitely not the best though)

  • supportive parent's, family and friends

  • health (physical, if not mental)

  • music and the instruments to make it with

  • I suppose the list goes on.

So that's it for now I guess.

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